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Nossa Missão: Transformar as Favelas de dentro para fora, potencializando sonhos com oportunidades e inovação social. Saiba mais Saiba mais Transforme a Favela
com menos de 1 Real
por dia
Com menos de R$0,99 por dia, você pode:

Transformar a vida de uma criança;
Investir em programas inovadores;
Promover atividades e oficinas;
Fazer parte de uma revolução na Favela.
Faça Sua Doação ❤️ DOE AGORA ❤️
Acreditamos que: Até 2025, vamos ser uma organização social referência em desenvolvimento social e urbano para as favelas do nordeste. Saiba mais Saiba mais Temos Um Beco Chamado Ceu Conheça o nosso espaço criativo de inovação social que está transformando a Favela! Saiba mais

Become a volunteer if you are motivated & ready to support people and the community.


The simplest and quickest way to make a donation, so you can support people in need.


Start donating for our campaigns to support poor people and children returning to school.

Helping Today

Our Goal is to Help Poor People

Today, we supported the education of 20000 children born in poor families cross 12 undeveloped countries over the world . in the future, our goals are

  • Have enough food for life.
  • Poor children can return to school.
  • Support poor people to have better jobs.


Successfull Campaigns

Help the People

Our Popular Causes

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Helping Today

We’re Helping People in Need Around the World

  • Healthy Food

    Millions of people have not enough food, so we're working to feed the hungry.

  • Clean Water

    Our goal is to supply clean water to people who can not access to safe water.

Asked Quesitons

We Need Your Help

How to make a donation on your site ?

It is not hard to make a donation right on the site. You only need to choose one of our campaigns that you love, then fill some important information in a form.

Becoming a volunteer is very difficult ?

It is simple to become a volunteer. You look for selected volunteer opportunities on our sites, fill all necessary information in the form and wait until we contact with you.

How can i raise fund for poor people ?

We have many campaigns to support people living in the poverty. If you love to raise fund for them, contact with us to know more details about campaigns dedicated to the poor.

  • Let’s Give us your Helping Hand

Happy People

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Instituto Pensando Bem – Transformando a Favela de Dentro Para Fora.



(85) 98203-6485
R. Pedro Ferreira, 1855 - Vila Velha, Fortaleza - CE,
CEP: 60348-310

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Todos os Direitos Reservados - 2024 - Instituto Pensando Bem. Site Desenvolvido por Brazilis Digital.